![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:09 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
The dishwasher stopped working today. Its been acting up lately, and I found if I cycled power to it, it would work again. Well, not today. Fortunately it has a built in diagnostic mode, which won’t run because it thinks the door is open, but at least that helps narrow down the issue - door microswitch ($23), control board ($80), or wiring harness (lesast likely but also $$$). My gut tells me its the board because power cycling was fixing the issue, but its going to take a few days to get. I can have a switch here tomorrow via Prime, so I’ll try that first and return it if it doesn’t fix my problem.
This evening we’ve been having thunderstorms and the power flickered. Now I have no internet. Similar to the dishwasher, we had this problem the last time we lost power and I found that if I unplugged the modem, waited a few minutes, and plugged it back in, it worked. Tonight, no dice. I ordered a replacement power supply but it won’t be here till Saturday, and its supposed to rain all day tomorrow. That means stuck inside all day with Mrs. Snuze, who will have no internet, no Netflix, etc. If you don’t hear from me again, you know what happened.
UPDATE: Well I'll be... I left the dead cable modem plugged in and suddenly, 3 hours after it died, it's working again. It's a Christmas miracle!
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:17 |
Yeah, that was a pretty good storm that came through. Good luck getting all that fixed.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:20 |
Thanks. It just started picking up again a few minutes ago. Ozzy woke up and barked at the storm.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:22 |
Good luck with that. I suppose that means no excuse to postpone Volvo wrenching.
My dad recently rebuilt our washer 4 times after complete disassembly and was unable to diagnose the issue. Just to be encouraging. . . oh wait, that's not it. If that's everything wrong in your house it could definitely be worse.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:26 |
I cant do much wrenching because I’m still recovering from my surgery. No lifting more than 10 or so pounds for 8 weeks (Ive got 5 to go).
Ill do the switch and the control board. If that doesn’t work, Ill buy a new one. This is the cheapest base model GE washer they make, and probably anything would be an upgrade from it.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:27 |
hm yea, take a seat
pool fence is falling down - build new fence
repair some random deck boards
build doors for 2 built-in cabinet
install 2 treshholds from when I installed the new hardwood 2 years ago
finish stair railing
sand prime paint stairway and second floor hallway
install sump pump
paint entire fucking exterior of house
level dishwasher, i didn’ t install it very well
grrill is toast, get new grill
build chicken coop
build fire pit
change oil on the focus
get mulch and spread it
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:29 |
Oh, sorry I had forgotten. It sucks how long you feel the effects of some things like that. I guess excessive mobile data usage it is then. At least the washer gives you something to occupy your time and possibly feel triumphant over.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:31 |
Yeah, it does suck, but I'm trying very hard to follow the doctors orders. The risk is real that I re-tear my abdominal wall and get a hernia. Been there, done that, 0/10, would not recommend.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:31 |
I fixed my dishwasher recently. It was making awful noises; turns out non-food objects in the food grinder will cause this. Pretty easy to take apart and clean really. Hard part was bending the spring for the food grinder arm back into something resembling its proper shape.
One time years ago the float switch jammed so it would get stuck in drain mode. Just pushed it down and has been fine since.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:33 |
Thats fun, my internet barely works even with near perfect socal weather lol. It is beamed via microwave from a tower on a hill to another house and bounced off to here. Some ghetto rigged shit right there. But the only alternatives are dial up or satellite so this is the best option. And I only like like 20 miles from a normal functioning city of a lot of people. But thanks to living on this hill, theres no cable run up here. Hoping 5G or Elon can save me from this internet hell some day. At least the view is nice:
If I were to detail the amount of other things horribly wrong with this house, it would take all night! Thankfully I am renting so I could care less but this place is definitely a tear down if it were ever to be sold. I enjoy being able to see daylight through the walls in the living room with how poorly it was assembled..
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:34 |
Time to sell or burn it down!
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:34 |
Good for you. I had pneumonia a while back and it sucked hard because I couldn't do anything remotely physical for an infuriatingly long amount of time. Makes it a little easier that there's not much going on outside the home either. Or inside I guess without WiFi.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:36 |
Ohh, don’t get me started. I just wanted to vent about the dishwasher and modem because they just happened today and I’m somewhat capable of tackling them, considering I just had major surgery a few weeks ago.
Its pouring rain right now and I can hear my gutters overflowing. My deck needs a complete redo because the boards are rotting, and the stupid previous owner built and extension off it AROUND the electric meter. Shutters are starting to fall off, all need to come down for paint and re-hanging. Sliding door frame is rotting. Need to finish hanging drywall in garage, paint, get door openers installed. Volvo needs its its PCV system serviced and intake manifold put back on.
So trust me, I feel you. It never ends. And its all the more frustrating because I can't physically do most of that stuff for another 5 weeks, and by then it will be a million degrees out.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:37 |
Lots of thunder and lightning up here by your Volvo wagon these past two days. I finally got off my fat arse to hook up the network and desktop computer in the office today, and the UPS has already gone on battery more times than I can count this afternoon and evening. We lost power for five minutes at one point, yet we still lost internet despite the cable modem, router, and access point being powered from battery
. I guess
Comcast hasn’t invested in UPSes for signal repeaters
The dishwasher at my old house didn’t have digital components, just an electromechanical timer. It did a passable job washing the dishes
and never broke down in the 13 years that I lived there (it was already ~20
years old when we moved in
, so I never bothered with replacing it.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:38 |
Good thing its a rental. I could put up with a lot for a view like that, though.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:50 |
Well some neighbors around the corner put their house on the market and within 4 days got $25k over asking. And they have the smaller floor plan and single garage. If thats any indication I think I could make out like a bandit on this place.
Then again, if there were an unfortunate accident and the house burned down, I could build my dream house over the ashes!
![]() 06/04/2020 at 22:59 |
Its just been hot here the last couple days, but storms tonight and all day tomorrow. Before the rain started we went out to pickup dinner and I drove for the first time in 3 weeks. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good, mainly I can’t take sitting bolt upright for long periods, and the seatbelt digs on my scar. But it is progress. And that means hopefully in a few weeks Ill be ready to make a trip to PA with a truck and trailer!
My dad and I did a service heavy up back in the fall. I need to finish it up with a shelf for my router, and after today I'm starting to think about a small UPS for it too. On the dishwasher front, my folks had an old electromechanical one, too. They remodeled their kitchen when I was about 5, so 30 years ago, and it just bit the dust a couple years ago. They also had to replace the oven last month, and that was original to the house, which they built in 74!
![]() 06/04/2020 at 23:00 |
It’s definitely the control board. It’s definitely worth just buying a new one.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 23:00 |
You can test the switch with a multimeter. Set to Ohms and press the switch while having the leads on the terminals of the switch.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 23:04 |
You are right, and maybe I’ll try that tomorrow before I tear into it, and just send the Amazon part back. I’m still getting over my surgery from a couple weeks ago so I’m not as sharp as I should be. Or my threshold for dealing with shit is much lower. Maybe both.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 23:09 |
Yeah, a lot of the stuff I looked at online said 99% of the time its the control board. Ill probably dig in tomorrow and do a bit more troubleshooting, I just wasn't feeling it today.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 23:23 |
Off the top of my head its the power going out about 2-3 times per month for anywhere from a few minutes to hours. Then theres the bee hive that the landlord has not dealt with. There is a never ending ant problem. All of the window screens have large holes. Theres no insulation of any kind in the walls. I am 30 minutes from the grocery store. Theres no way to look up the weather since it varies so wildly from just typing in Malibu down at the water 1400 feet below.
But yeah the view, easy access to great trails, easy access to the beach, and the 15 minute drive to work make it all worth it for the short term ~a few years.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 23:25 |
That is a lot to put up with, which is unfortunate because it sounds like a great location. And that view!
![]() 06/04/2020 at 23:28 |
I dream of being able to use my dishwasher! The plumbing from
my kitchen sink has broken beneath the concrete floor of m
y basement. And, because of the Covid, getting a plumber to fix this has taken a long, long time. We’ve been hand washing dishes in basins, and dumping the waste water down the toilet for the past 2 months. Fun! My wife & I hope to be able to get this fixed by the end of the month. Had to pay a $6,000 tax bill first. Not fun.
![]() 06/04/2020 at 23:38 |
ok but what about the corpses?
![]() 06/05/2020 at 08:06 |
Wow, that sucks! I hope you can get it fixed soon.
![]() 06/05/2020 at 08:06 |
Those stay, I like them. They keep me company.